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JumpStats Version 1.7.3 by Exolent
[ Скачать с сервера (819.9 Kb) ] 31.08.2012, 22:27
Доступны также след. функции:
Jump Stats:
Направление (Forwards, Backwards, Sideways)
MaxSpeed и Gain
Duck Count (for Multi CountJump only)
Strafe Stats:
MaxSpeed per strafe
Sync per strafe
Jump Beam (прямая от движений игрока)
Обнаружение скриптов
Любое оружие может быть разрешено для статистики, если настроить (только оружие с скоростью 250 будет разрешено по умолчанию, и толкь с 250 попаают в ТОП)
Неудачные Stats
Top 10 в кажд технике (лучшая maxspeed, prestrafe, strafes, и sync выделяются красным)
Возможность сбросить топ на новой карте
Dominating 1 (new position in top, but "Perfect" jump)
Dominating 2 (new position in top, but "Godlike" jump)
Rampage (3 "Godlike" jumps in a row)
Holy Shit (+5 more than the "Godlike" requirement)
Обнаружение читов (surfing, trigger_push, func_trains, etc.)
Обнаружение чекпоинтов
Возможность вкл/выкл по умолч.:
Текущ скорость
Jump Stats
Strafe Stats
Jump сообщения
Jump Beam
Spectator Stats
Jump Sounds
Direction in HUD
Prestrafe показ
Block Distance
Edge Distances
Сохраняется персональный ТОП (Motd)
Ограничение использование стат командам
Легальные настройки
developer 0
fps_max 101
cl_forwardspeed 400
cl_backspeed 400
cl_sidespeed 400
Если игрок вскочил блока прыжок (как в kz_longjumps2)
Показывает расстояния блока
Показывает расстояние от края, откуда игрок прыгнул
Показывает расстояние от края, где игрок приземлился
Статистике отображаются только когда sv_airaccelerate 10 или 100

Команды админа:
- Displays the menu to reset the tops of a jump technique.
- Requires admin flag L (rcon).

- Updates the cached cvar values inside the plugins.
- Requires admin flag L (rcon).

Команды клиента:
say /speed
- Enables/Disables the speedometer for the client.

say /colorchat
- Enables/Disables the colored jump messages for the client.

say /ljsounds
- Enables/Disables the jump sounds for the client.

say /ljstats
- Enables/Disables ljstats for the client.

say /strafestats
- Enables/Disables the strafe stats for the client.

say /ljbeam
- Enables/Disables the jumping beam for the client.

say /specstats
- Enables/Disables the stats, beams, and sounds of the player being spectated for the client.

say /preshow
- Enables/Disables the prestrafe shower for the client.

say /blockdist
- Enables/Disables the block distances for the client.

say /edgedist
- Enables/Disables the edge distances for the client.

say /ljsmenu (/ljtop, /bjtop..)
- Brings up a menu that can redirect to the top menu and the On/Off (options described above) menu.

- If the client has admin flag L (rcon) access, then an additional admin menu will be displayed, too.
- Админское меню там же может:
сбросить прыжки
контроль исполь. командами
вкл/выкл определенн. техники
контроль доступных к статам оружия

say /ljsversion
- Shows the current JumpStats version on the server.

Квары (jumpstats.cfg):

// General Cvars

// Only allows certain teams to use stats
// - a = terrorist
// - b = counter-terrorist
// - c = spectator
// Combine multiple letters to allow more than one team to use stats
// Default: abc
js_allowteam "abc"

// Flags given to players when they connect
// - a = speedometer
// - b = jump chat messages
// - c = jump sounds
// - d = jump stats
// - e = strafe stats
// - f = jump beam
// - g = spectator stats (when you spectate someone, should their information be displayed, such as speed, stats, beam, etc.)
// - h = prestrafe shower
// - i = show direction in hud
// - j = show block distance
// - k = show edge distances
// Combine multiple letters to have more than 1 enabled
// Default: abcdefghijk
js_connectflags "abcdefghijk"

// The player settings for the on/off abilitys can be saved.
// - 0 = Don't save
// - 1 = Save
// Default: 1
js_save_settings "1"

// The amount of days since the player last agreed to the legal settings and used "don't ask again" option
// - 0 = Don't remove the player's agreement
// - (DAYS) = Removes player's agreement after (DAYS) have passed
// Default: 0
js_save_prune "0"

// Enables/Disables specific techniques to be used
// - a = LongJump
// - b = HighJump
// - c = WeirdJump
// - d = BhopJump
// - e = Standup BhopJump
// - f = Drop BhopJump
// - g = Standup Drop BhopJump
// - h = CountJump
// - i = Double CountJump
// - j = Multi CountJump
// - k = Drop CountJump
// - l = LadderJump
// - m = LadderBhop
// Combine multiple letters to have more than 1 enabled
// Default: abcdefghijklm
js_techs_allowed "abcdefghijklm"

// Enforces player cvars required for jumping
// I suggest you use this one over any other one you have because:
// - It has a better detection method (if you aren't using the one by ConnorMcLeod)
// - If player disagrees to the cvars, then the player will be denied any access to the plugins, such as stats, menus, and tops.
// List of cvars:
// - developer 0
// - fps_max 101
// - cl_forwardspeed 400
// - cl_sidespeed 400
// - cl_backspeed 400
// Values:
// - 0 = Disable enforcer
// - 1 = Enable enforcer
// Note: If you change this setting during the map, it will not affect players who are already connected.
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings "1"

// This determines what happens when a player does not use a legal cvar value for jump settings
// - 0 = Disable jumping for the player and make the player agree to be able to jump again
// - 1 = Kick player from the server
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings_kick "1"

// This determines what happens when a player disagrees to using legal jump settings
// - 0 = Disable jumping for the player and make the player agree to be able to jump again
// - 1 = Kick player from the server
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings_disagree "1"

// Chat colors for specific jumps
// - 0 = normal color
// - 1 = green
// - 2 = team color
// - 3 = gray
// - 4 = red
// - 5 = blue
// Leet Default: 4
// Pro Default: 1
// Good Default: 3
js_color_leet "4"
js_color_pro "1"
js_color_good "3"

// Who hears the sounds when a jump is made
// - 0 = No one
// - 1 = The jumper and the spectators watching the jumper (if they have Spectator Stats enabled)
// - 2 = Everyone
// Note: If the person who is supposed to hear the sound does not have Jump Sounds enabled, they will not hear it.
// Leet Default: 2
// Pro Default: 2
// Good Default: 1
js_sound_leet "2"
js_sound_pro "2"
js_sound_good "1"

// The beam type to be displayed
// - 0 = no beam
// - 1 = straight line from start to finish
// - 2 = beam following player position and showing when player ducked
// Default: 2
js_beam_type "2"

// If the beam type is 1, then this is the color type to be used
// - 0 = Random color
// - 1 = Random color chosen from a set of normal colors (red, yellow, purple, ...)
// Default: 1
js_beam_color "1"

// Decides who to display the message when a player beats his/her personal best
// - 0 = Don't display a message
// - 1 = The jumper only
// - 2 = Everyone
// Default: 1
js_show_best "1"

// Decides whether the direction should be displayed if it was a forward jump
// - 0 = Hide
// - 1 = Show
// Default: 1
js_direction_forwards "1"

// Decides whether the default speed (250 speed) should be shown in chat along with the weapon used
// - 0 = Hide
// - 1 = Show
// Default: 1
js_show_default_speed "1"

// Saves the tops between map changes
// - 0 = Don't save between maps
// - 1 = Save tops from all maps
// Default: 1
js_savetops "1"

// The minimum prestrafe speed for the prestrafe shower to appear
// Default: 250
js_min_pre "250"

// The type of server that you will be running
// - 1 = Multiple rounds per map (regular server)
// - 2 = 1 round per map (KZ servers, LJ servers, etc.)
// Default: 1
js_servertype "1"

// HUD color when a player is shown stats
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "0 255 0"
js_hud_color "0 255 0"

// HUD color when a player fails a jump
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "255 0 127"
js_fail_color "255 0 127"

// HUD color for the speedometer
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "255 255 255"
js_speed_color "255 255 255"

// Number of consecutive jumps of the same technique that are all leet jumps for the "RAMPAGE" sound to be played
// Default: 3
js_rampage_count "3"

// How many units more than the leet jump minimum must a player jump to have the "HOLY SHIT" sound to be played
// Default: 5
js_holyshit_extra "5"

// Weapons allowed for stats

// Weapon Names:
// p228, shield, scout, hegrenade, xm1014, c4,
// mac10, aug, smokegrenade, elite, fiveseven,
// ump45, sg550, galil, famas, usp, glock18,
// awp, mp5navy, m249, m3, m4a1, tmp, g3sg1,
// flashbang, deagle, sg552, ak47, knife, p90
// To allow a weapon, use this format:
// js_allow_weapon <name> <chat> <sound>
// <name> is the name of the weapon
// <chat> is for showing the message in chat (1=on, 0=off)
// <sound> is for playing jump sounds for that weapon (1=on, 0=off)
// All weapons are allowed by default
// To not allow a weapon, comment the line with // or delete the line
js_allow_weapon "p228" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "shield" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "scout" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "hegrenade" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "xm1014" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "c4" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "mac10" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "aug" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "smokegrenade" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "elite" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "fiveseven" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "ump45" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "sg550" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "galil" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "famas" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "usp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "glock18" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "awp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "mp5navy" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m249" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m3" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m4a1" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "tmp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "g3sg1" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "flashbang" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "deagle" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "sg552" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "ak47" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "knife" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "p90" "1" "1"

// JumpType-Specific Cvars:

// Minimum distance for <jumptype>

// Maximum distance for <jumptype>

// Minimum distance for <jumptype> to be considered leet

// Minimum distance for HighJumps to be considered pro

// Minimum distance for HighJumps to be considered good
Чтобы управлять, какое оружие разрешено для статистики, загляните в jumpstats.cfg
Для получения информации о типе прыжка - конкретные Cvars, загляните в jumpstats.cfg

Об установке:
Читайте readme.txt в .zip архиве, чтобы установить плагин корректно.

- AMX Mod X version 1.8.1 и выше
- Fakemeta Module
- HamSandwich Module
- CStrike Module
- Engine Module
- Fun Module

Добавить экстра запреты (такие как jetpack, checkpoint, etc.):
Вы можете добавить запрещенные команды в список, чтобы сбрасывать статистику, при их употреблении.
Убедитесь, что все jumpstats_ *. AMXX плагинов находятся выше читерских плагины в plugins.ini
Для нечестных команд (напр. say /gocheck)- добавьте их jumpstats_reset.ini
Изменение Jump звуков:
Посмотрите в jumpstats_sounds.ini расположен в Addons / amxmodx / configs для инструкций.
Как исполнять техники можно посмотреть тут:

От автора:
У меня так много людей говорят мне, что моя статистика не соответствует действительности. Однако моя статистику на 100% правильна сейчас.
Не существует оснований, чтобы сказать мне, что моя статистика некорректна. Если вы сравниваете мой плагин с XJ by Numb на v2.2b7, то вы ошибаетесь.
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